Affordability and Vulnerability Group

The Affordability and Vulnerability sub group undertakes detailed reviews of UU performance, support and initiatives from the perspective of vulnerable customers.

It reviews the company’s longer term plans and business as usual activities around vulnerable customers, hard to reach groups and those with affordability challenges. The sub group has also co-opted membership from sectors related to affordability, vulnerability and disability.

Representatives include power utilities, charities such as Age Concern, Macmillan, the CAB and money advice. This broad membership allows co-ordination, sharing of best practice and co-operation between organisations. One big success has been the consortium of utility companies who share information on vulnerable customers to ensure they are enrolled in each organisations’ Priority Service registers.

Affordability and vulnerability sub group members

Members for this group are listed below. For biographies, please see membership in the About Us section.

  • Dave Thompson CHAIR (Warrington Disability Partnership)
  • Bernice Law (YV Chair)
  • Steve Cullen (CAB)
  • Stuart Dunne (Youth Voice NW)
  • and co-opted members